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Lighting Your Pilot
How to light your Pilot Light

Gas fireplaces are known for low maintenance requirements and general self-sufficiency but you may have to re-light your system's pilot light from time to time. The procedure for resetting the pilot light on a gas fireplace is generally the same regardless of the model. However, if you feel uncomfortable with this undertaking, please consult a Fireplace Professional technician. If you smell of gasoline call a service technician immediately.

To start, ensure that your fuel tank is empty before using the pilot light. Simply check the gauge on your propane tank to see if your fuel levels are sufficient. Now return to your gas fireplace and turn the gas valve ON. This can be done by flipping a wall-mounted switch, if one has been installed for your gas fireplace, or by manually turning the valve on inside the access panel of your fireplace.

Now turn the fireplace control knob on the access panel so that its marking aligns with the PILOT setting. Find the red igniter button on the access panel and click it in while continuing to press down on the PILOT knob. This will hold the gas line open while you attempt to relight the fireplace's pilot light. Once lit, continue to push the PILOT knob in for thirty seconds. Then release your thumb on the PILOT knob to see if the burners will remain lit. If so, just turn the knob to the ON setting and your gas fireplace will be operating normally.

If the burners go out once you release the PILOT knob, wait three to four minutes and try again. Use the same process as described above to get the pilot light going again. The thermopile should eventually be running hot enough to keep your gas line flowing freely. Once the burners operate without your pressure on the PILOT knob, just turn the knob to the ON position.